Collection: Allergy-Free Protein Bars

Our allergy-free protein bars are made specifically to prove a safe, nutritious snack for individuals with dietary restrictions. They're free from top allergens, including dairy, nuts, gluten, soy, and much more, so you don't have to worry about a single side effect.

What Are Allergy-Free Protein Bars?

Our vegan protein bars are a high-protein, low-calorie, and a low-sugar snack that is free from most common allergies.

This means that all our protein bars are gluten-free, soy-free, nut-free, dairy-free, and much more. Anyone can enjoy these bars without worrying about a single side effect. Plus, 1,500+ people said they taste amazing!

Protein Bars Free Of Most Common Allergies

Share With Anyone

You don't have to worry about nuts, dairy, gluten, or vegan diets anymore. You can share Amrita protein bars with anyone, and even bring them and share them in schools!

Rich in Vegan Protein

Our vegan protein bars are loaded with natural & healthy plant-based ingredients. The protein comes from rice or peas, and is a great alternative for people on a vegan diet.

Low In Sugar

We're all about hitting the sweet spot without overloading on the sugar. Our protein bars are crafted with natural & healthy ingredients only, and are 100% vegan-friendly. If you're looking for a tasty, low sugar protein bar, we've got your back.

Healthy Fats

These protein bars are loaded with healthy kind of fats that help your body absorb vitamins better and are great for your energy, heart, and brain function.

Great For Weight Loss

Not only are our protein bars free from allergies, they're also great for weight loss. The high protein content inside a protein bar makes sure you feel fuller for a longer amount of time and avoid unnecessary snacking on high sugar snacks. Check out our protein bars for weight loss.

Quick and Convenient Snacks

For anyone that's regularly in a hurry, these protein bars are a game-changer. They're an easy way to make sure you're getting in all the protein and nutrition you need. And the best part? They're vegan, made with completely natural ingredients, taste great, and won't gain you any unnecessary fat, but rather burn it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I trust these protein bars to be completely allergen-free?

Our protein bars are safe from most common allergens, and we prioritize safety and quality, making sure that the bars don't contain any major allergens. However, you should read the label before consuming a supplement to better understand the ingredients inside.

How much protein does one of your vegan bars contain?

Most of our protein bars contain around 15g of plant-based protein and all the essential amino acids you need for optimal muscle growth and recovery. This makes them great for individuals on a journey to increase muscle mass and lose weight and fat.

Are these protein bars suitable for children with allergies?

Absolutely! The goal of our brand was to create a snack that is tasty, healthy, and everyone enjoys it, even children. Our protein bars are completely school-friendly and free from top allergies.

Are vegan protein bars good for bodybuilders and athletes?

Absolutely! We encourage all athletes and bodybuilders to try vegan protein bars, regardless of their weight goals! They provide all the necessary protein and amino acids and help repair the muscles that get torn in heavy workouts.

Do Amrita's high protein bars contain any artificial ingredients?

No, they don't. We craft our protein bars with natural, plant-based ingredients only, and avoid using any artificial flavors, colors, or additives.