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Your account will be locked out after a few attempts due to high security levels on our website. You can click on ‘Forgot Password’ and an email will be sent to reset it. If you need further assistance, email support@amritahealthfoods.com

  • Our plant-based products are made in small batches 
  • We make all our products in our dedicated allergen friendly bakery 
  • We focus on clean, wholesome ingredients that reduce inflammation in your body 
  • We aim to nourish not only the body but even the mind, so our products are created to help people support and live a healthier lifestyle.
  • It all started when our Founder’s son was diagnosed with autism and severe gastrointestinal issues. He and his wife had to put him on an aggressive low inflammation diet which was primarily minimally processed foods, gluten-free and dairy-free
  • The gut healing process took ~ 2 years and because of this journey and the journey of many others (documented) our Founder decided he wanted to make convenient, grab-and-go snacks that were low inflammation and delicious (kids are picky eaters)
  • We currently have 6 different types of product categories  with varying flavors. 
  • We offer high protein bars, protein oats, dried fruits, seeds, paleo bites, and granola, all made in small batches and from plant-based ingredients.

Not at all. While our products were specifically created and formulated for individuals who are allergic to dairy, gluten, soy, eggs, and peanuts, they’re still full of flavor and can be enjoyed by everyone.

We have a weekly newsletter  that drops on Saturdays.  This newsletter is a compilation of what's going on in the world plant-based foods, wellness, autism and nutrition.  Link is on our website header

Because the bars have no preservatives, the shelf life of an Amrita bar is one year. To extend shelf life and for best freshness, store bars in a cool place.

There are a total of 12 bars in each box you order

A month or more, it's like dried fruits. Keep it air tight and it’s fine

Our bars are not coated with chocolate, so nothing melts but we don't recommend leaving them in really hot conditions for too long. There should be no issues during transit because we ship it via USPS or UPS. However, should there be changes in texture and taste, please let us know so we can do something about it.

Our protein bars are ready for snacking and consumption once you receive it. In winter if you want to warm it, we’d recommend heating it up in a toaster oven for about 1-2 minutes to bring out the flavor

  • Amrita Protein Bars contain approximately 230 calories, 8g fat, 30g carbohydrates, and 15g protein. 
  • That breaks down to about 50% carbohydrates, 25% protein, and 25% fat.
  • The bars also contain 6g of fiber and 1000mg omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Additionally, they are a good plant-based source of iron and calcium.
  • The bars are raw  and made without genetically modified (GMO) ingredients.

The protein comes from the active ingredients such pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc and then we top it off with brown rice protein. This is why our bars don't taste chalky and dry.  This also allows for a complete amino acid profile in our bars.

We manage our own facility and do not allow any peanuts, gluten, dairy and soy into our facility.

Yes we use coconuts in our bars and even though Coconut is a fruit, the FDA has classified it as a tree nut. That's why we have to add that statement to our wrappers.  Most schools are peanut free and our snacks would be a great fit for the school snack program.

You can have our protein oatmeal three ways: cooked over stovetop, as overnight oats soaked in your choice of milk, or baked as a dessert or snack. 

The ideal ratio between oatmeal and water/milk is 1:1. For every cup of our protein oats, add 1 cup of your choice of liquid. However, you can experiment a bit to reach the desired consistency (add more liquid if you want it thinner, or use less liquid if you want your oats to be thicker in consistency).

We always use dates to sweeten, a pinch of sea salt and our brown rice protein as a base. Then we use other clean ingredients such as toasted coconuts, chia seeds, cinnamon, coconut milk, dried apples, pumpkin seeds, cocoa, hemp seeds, and blueberries.

Our fixed options are 1, 2 and 3 months

Not right now

All subscription products are 20% off and are not eligible for additional discounts. If you have a one-time purchase item in your subscription order, discounts will only apply to the one-time purchase product or item.

Yes, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Please call or e-mail us at support@amritahealthfoods.com

Free shipping over $49 and flat $9.99 for orders below $48.99. We ship within the US only via USPS or UPS ground and product should arrive within 2 to 4 days depending on location. Orders received before noon are shipped within the day, otherwise the next day. Shipping may be affected by stock availability (especially after a huge sale) and natural causes (floods, fires, earthquake, etc.). However, we always update our customers about the status of the orders for any cause of delay. The order can be canceled for a refund as long as the order has not been shipped.

First check if your address, especially that the house number is correct. Also, try to ask your neighbor or household members if they have received an order on your behalf. You can also call your local post office to see if a delivery is waiting for you to pick up. If still not resolved, please call us at 1-888-728-7779 9am-5pm EDT or connect with us via chat if all options are exhausted so we can assist you